Much of my work is inspired by patterns in nature – the way that roots look like veins, look like lightening...
8 x 8 x 8”
Three views
80 x 30 x 15" Red roots, steel wire
detail image
Copper, electronics, solar power. 16 x 20 x 160’. Burlington Electric Department. At night solar power stored from a panel located to the side of the sculpture powered flashes of light, “nerve impulses”. These traveled between the trees and to and from the central nerve body.
This project would not have happened without The Burlington Electric Department, YouthBuild Burlington, SEABA, Queen City Steel, Vermont Solar Engineering, AstroPower, Energy Photo Voltaics, Conant Custom Brass, and many others.
60 x 36 x 30". Steel, cloth, and light. Moth Cocoon Gown is designed for a garden. At night, moths are attracted to her light and their silhouettes are projected onto the surface of the gown. Eventually the cloth returns into the garden and the veinous structure is filled in by vines.
6 x 9 x 3"‘ size varies.